Words for Hire

Article Writing, Blog & Social Media Management


When SEO and Social Media Connect

social media consultants norfolk va social media marketing for small businesses norfolk vaSocial Media continues to change online marketing strategies, and as it climbs higher and higher on search engine rankings, SEO sinks lower and lower. Yet, instead of adapting to the shift, many small businesses count on SEO to provide them the most online visibility, and unfortunately, they are falling further behind their competitors, who already are adapting to Google’s algorithm changes. Continue reading

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3 Tips for Finding Your Social Media Voice

social media for small business norfolk va, social media marketing norfolk va, If you are a small business, you already know that today’s best customers come from social media marketing. They are virtual referrals that saw a friend share your information on Facebook, or they saw your last blog post on Linkedin, and by the time they reach out to you, they are already educated about your services or products and are ready to buy.

There is no doubt that social media marketing has humanized the process of doing business, and one of the greatest benefits of social media is that it provides an outlet to show your personality and connect with prospective customers with content so you don’t have to rely on discount pricing or promotions. However, if you haven’t developed a consistent social media voice, you are missing connections. Continue reading

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Tips for Creating a Blog Editorial Calendar in 2013

social media management and training in norfolk va

It’s the first of the year, and now is the time to write your blog editorial calendar for 2013.

You already know that a business blog is one of the most affordable and effective ways of connecting to potential customers and engaging current clients; however, if you find yourself constantly scrambling for weekly blog topics, then you’re probably not providing interesting content that is needed to build a community. Continue reading


The Top 3 Reasons Your Business Needs A Blog in 2013

social media consultants and training norfolk virginia for small businesses

If you are looking for ways to ramp-up your business in 2013, consider a professional blog. Below are the top three reasons a blog should be on every business owner’s 2013 marketing plan.

SEO- Blogs that offer quality content rank higher in Google and Yahoo searches than static website pages. Unlike a website, a blog allows you to add and post fresh content on a consistent basis, and a higher ranking will ultimately bring more traffic to your site, which in turn, will increase your rankings. Continue reading

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Identifying Effective Social Media Channels for Your Business

social media for heatlhcare providers norfolk va social media training for physicians social media consultants norfolk vaWhen I first begin working with a business owner to strategize their social media marketing, I always ask if they have had a better response with Linkedin or Facebook, and unfortunately (and surprisingly) most do not know the answer to this simple question. Social media marketing is ultimately getting your business message to your audience, and it’s imperative to know which channels are appropriate for your specific business or service. Continue reading


Making It All Connect

social media training norfolk va social media consulting norfolk vaSocial media is all about connections, but many businesses overlook the importance of having their traditional marketing agencies and social media managers work together as a team, resulting in a lost or diluted message.

One of my clients has me attend her monthly marketing meeting to discuss upcoming marketing with her traditional marketing account director. Just as any business owner, her time is limited, but she insists on these consistent meetings, which I find extremely beneficial. They allow me to see upcoming print campaigns and television commercials, which I integrate into her social media and inbound marketing. In turn, the marketing firm gets an outline for the blog content calendar and pending e-promotions.

Even if you can only manage quarterly meetings to allow these important players to connect, you’ll quickly achieve effective marketing campaigns and brand awareness through cross-media integration.

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3 Signature Updates You Should Make Today

social media tips norfolk va social media tips virginia beach va social media managers norfolk vaIf you haven’t updated your email signature in a few months, you aren’t maximizing the number one social media marketing tool.

Here are the top 3 signature updates you should make today!

Facebook – Regardless of how you once felt about utilizing Facebook for marketing, if you don’t have a page or if the link is not included in your email signature, you are missing opportunities to drive traffic to you. Facebook validates your expertise and marketplace knowledge, and having a live link with every email is the fastest way to grow a following.

LinkedIn – LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social channels because it’s a business platform, and professionals expect to see other professionals on LinkedIn.

WordPress Blogs are more popular than websites, and your signature should include the link to your blog. A great looking blog allows your business to really shine, but make sure you post original content-driven information on a consistent basis.

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Who Is Behind The Screen?

Who Is Behind The Screen?This morning, I was the recipient of a mass e-marketing campaign for a website design company. It contained some great images and there were loads of bells and whistles, so I read on out of curiosity.

His content was interesting (we know how I feel about content), so I looked for an About Me page – nothing. Then, I moved on to review his live portfolio. Well, it didn’t take me long to realize his website examples belonged to no one, and they certainly were not paying clients. He had created them as a portfolio to illustrate his work, and he was misleading potential clients by including them in a portfolio. Continue reading


Determining If A Social Media Consultant Is Right For Your Business

social media marketing norfolk va shannon boyles allen social media managersI recently met with a business owner, who had combined the jobs of Community Manager and Social Media Manager within her small company, and since the restructure, she was suffering a retention problem. Despite offering a great working environment and a highly competitive salary, she was unable to keep the position filled for more than 3 or 4 months at a time. When we met, she was attempting to oversee her own social media, but she was quickly finding, not only did she lack the time in an already overloaded schedule, but she had little interest and knowledge of the vast social media platforms.

My first step was educating her on the two roles, so she could have a clear understanding of why combining these two very different jobs rarely works. Then, we looked at her specific business to determine if employing an in-house Social Media Manager was warranted or if bringing in a Social Media Consultant offered more value. Continue reading

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Well-Written Content Is Back?

content mattersConversations about content are super hot these days; I’m seeing the topic everywhere from LinkedIn to Facebook, with headlines and feeds boldly announcing how content is back.

When was well-written content not considered value? When did posting for the sake of posting become acceptable?

Poorly written chatter forces my attention elsewhere, and I’m not alone. I hear the same complaints repeated day after day. Many small business owners are questioning the value in employing someone to oversee their social media, but I hear the most disturbing stories from those, who hire from work sites. I had one client tell me that for every article he purchased, he spent a quarter of his day editing it. He even sent me a 600 word article filled with sentences lacking a subject.

If it weren’t such a hot button for me, I would have found his example humorous, but instead, I shook my head with disapproval, as any writer would.

Well-written content is timeless and is a must for any marketing efforts including social media. If you are having trouble getting your message out in a clear and concise format, it’s time to re-examine your team.

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